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Ponderings & Words of Wisdom

Adrianna & Tony Lamarra - “You must experience patience by accepting that people are different"


Alan & Kerry Joyce - “We love flying around our home town, Goulburn, as each season is so different”


Alan Milne - “I hope that I contributed to the lives of young people, as they contributed to mine”


Alfie Walker SNR - “I moved to Goulburn for a better life”


Andy & Jody Divall - “We enjoy the opportunity of being able to help and give back to their community”


Angella Storrier - “I absolutely love Goulburn. A city of great opportunities and friendly people.”


Anne Oberg - “You do not have to be good at everything,  just one thing and do it well”


Anne Oliver - “The spirit of philanthropy was instilled in me from an early age, with the knowledge that the reward for doing so is not monetary”


Aunt Evelyn Little - "What gets me out of bed each morning? Life, the life I have created and am grateful for”


Aunt Lilian Apps - “Don’t regret growing old, it’s a privilege denied to many”


Barbara Beard - “Like a good red. It's getting better with age”


Belinda Zantis - "Live, laugh, love"


Betty Campbell - “Betty enjoys cooking, gardening, knitting for charities and being with family and friends whenever possible”


Bill & Cheryl Fife - “Two hours to Sydney, one and a half to the coast, and 45 minutes to Canberra. Why would you want to live anywhere else?”


Bill Breeze - “When quite young and after seeing him work 3 jobs in a week I said "Dad if you didn't have all us 7 kids you would be rich”, he looked at me and said “Sand, having you kids and your mother is what makes me rich" [Written by Bill's family]


Bill Dorman - “You never know what another has gone through”


Bill Murray - “Make every day a good day”


Bill Wilkes - “I plan to continue contributing to the Goulburn community for many years to come”


Bob Christie - “Survival makes you stronger”


Bob Kirk: “One of these days, I'm going to try my hand at painting”


Brian Hill - “Don’t let anyone ever tell you that your lifestyle choices are wrong, be true to yourself and live your best life”


Bruce & Norma Hobbs - "Dance like no one is watching"


Bryce Ronning - “The best time of my life is the present”


Celia Suddell - “I find it very rewarding to give some time to help others… if someone's life is made more positive or turned around, it has to be good for all”


Charlie McCormack - “The stars shine brightest on the darkest of nights”


Chris Herrett: “There is no stopping me and I live life to the fullest”


Chrisjohn Hancock - “Goulburn has been like a magnet for me, constantly calling me back”


Colleen Cooper -  “I do what I do, because I enjoy helping people out to make life a little easier for them.”


Craig Stevenson: "I have come to realise that sometimes you need to challenge yourself, for me it is about moving beyond my naturally shy, reserved temperament and embracing life and putting myself out there be it professionally or as a performer and creator"


Danielle Marsden-Ballard - “Contributing to the community is in my DNA.”


David Mullen - “David's primary goal in retirement was to give back to the community”


Dawnie Martin - “Ageism is a state of mind, it’s how you perceive it”


Diana Moran - “I enjoy working with similarly minded people”


Don Elder - “Old age is not a burden but an opportunity to help others by passing on all one has learned over the years”


Douglas Rawlinson - “I love and respect our built heritage, and Goulburn has some of the best in the state”


Dr Robert & Gail Favaloro - “Goulburn, this is our home"...“We have become a holiday destination for our children (and grandchildren]) and our friends”


Elaine Cornwell - “There is so much more to do. Life in all it's wonder surrounds us - The smile of a child, call of the birds. So far a wonderful journey”


Enid Rose - “Maintaining a love of people and music keep me hanging onto the signpost pointing to 100 years!”


Gary Warboys - “I look forward to being a part of this wonderful community for many years to come and contribute as best I can along the way"


Geoff Henderson - “Diagnosis did not end the run” [participating in the Twin City Marathon after having a pacemaker implanted]


Gordon Wade OAM:  “Improvise, adapt and overcome” and “ Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I will remember, involve me and I will learn”


Heather & Greg West - “I don’t complain about what ‘should be done’, but just get in and start doing it, to make a difference”


Heather McLennan - “I have been doing “Meals on Wheels” for at least 23 years and enjoy getting out and about”


Jacki Waugh - “I love having visitors to the farm whether it’s a bus load from the Nursing home or a Preschool - I love to see the joy in their faces”


Jennifer Lamb - “One of the pleasures of retirement is reading"


Jenny Ashwell - “I am a great believer in the concept of you are only as old as you feel” 


Jim Huntley - “It's in the acknowledgment of my fortunate life that I feel a greater sense of purpose in volunteering in the challenging role of firefighter. The appreciation shown by the community for that work makes that sometimes-daunting challenge feel meaningful and worthwhile”


John Boswell - “If I can leave someone with a smile on their face then it’s been a good day for me”


John Crooks -  “Life is short, and we should not put off or leave undone any dreams or aspirations we would wish to complete.”


Julie Street - “The main thing I enjoy about living in Goulburn is that the people are so friendly and I feel very much at home”


Karen Wilson - “I’m blessed to live a rural Goulburn life”


Kerrie Brown - “For me, volunteering was never planned, it just happened.  And the rewards are immense”


Kay Rudd - “Of course, as we age we do take a hit, if not in the mind, the body often reminds us of the year we were born, however I do try and stare this process in the face by taking a little more time to take care of myself”


Kerrie Brown - "Volunteering is such an important part of the life of any community and the rewards to those involved are immense"


Kerrie Friend - “People think, ‘I work, so the small amount of assistance I can give would not be of much benefit’. That is where they are wrong, as every little bit of assistance community groups and schools can get from parents and friends within the community has huge benefits for all concerned”


Kerry Chalker - “I would like to think when I leave this earth I have contributed in a small way by helping others and that my children will have learnt empathy and kindness to others in the community”


Kerry Guymer “Riding also helps in different ways, physically and mentally. When you see an improvement, my heart melts”


Belinda Bell - “I loved working with the fabulous volunteers and the exceptional horses who worked together to foster confidence, self esteem and physical skills in those special children”


Larry Meng - “If you are realistic with your expectations, the world can still be your oyster, the horizon is just a bit closer”


Leon Oberg - "Getting out of bed is easy for there is always something of interest to ‘whet the appetite’"


Leone Morgan - "What gets me out of bed in the morning? Joy de vivre? I’m still here, so get on with it! So much to do on some days, I need to make a personalised list"


Lois & Kevin Apps - "If you don’t have wrinkles you haven’t smiled enough!"


Louise Allison & Lou Lou - "I like to feel I make a difference. I started working with Paws n Tails at our wonderful library, helping reluctant readers read to my Labrador"


Malcom Ritchie JP - "Remember age is only a number - Growing old can be fun!"


Margaret (Ann) Relf & Susan McDonald - "Giving your time for others gives you a sense of fulfillment in life. While doing that you make more friends which is important for mental health"..."Ours is not a FaceBook friendship or meeting up regularly for coffee, long lunches or daily telephone calls, but one of EVERLASTING FRIENDSHIP. A friendship of knowing that when you need someone to help out, we know we can rely on each other"


Maxine Elder - “Age is something that just keeps going up each year – otherwise best ignored”


Louise Gardner - "Animals can bring out the best in people and they give back so much more than we ever give them. I’m happy to be known as the “Dachshund Lady in Goulburn” by many"


Marjorie Dixon - "I cannot remain still for very long, so I guess my “caption“  would be MOVER"


Max Tivey - "Personally, I think that volunteering, while not lucrative financially, both gives and receives a lot of value for the recipients and the volunteers themselves, which is worth much more than simply money"


Michael Prevadello - "Goulburn is a brilliant place, great to live in, great facilities and great people"


Mick Shea - "Retirement is where you get to do all the stuff you couldn’t fit in, and it has its own phases and transitions"


Muffy Hedges - "Embracing the silence of the bush, giving others a leg up, curiosity, serving the community, spontaneity, joie de vivre, appreciating people for their differences and never having idle hands have stood me in good stead over the years and wilL so in the future"


Nalini Gillard - "We really love Goulburn because it is a beautiful country town with friendly people"


Nancy Foordby (103) & Elizabeth Ranger - "The CWA has been a very important part of my life - Getting together creates great friendships and common goals in our community"


Nerida Cullen - "It is important to give back to the community because not all of us have the same opportunities and those of us who are able to, should be willing to contribute to others and hence enrich the community and ensure its viability"


Pamela Haynes - "After my husband passed from cancerI was at a bit of a lost end, a neighbour encouraged me to join CWA. 14 years later, I am still there"


Patricia Bourke - "Coming from a small country town I found it very difficult to settle in Goulburn, now I wouldn’t live anywhere else"


Paul Paviour - "Any town that can produce something of this standard (Lieder Theatre production in 1975” is my place"


Paul Scott Williams - "When you lose the love of your life you never really get over it, but you do learn to walk with the weight of it and as time goes on I am finding greater depth of understanding of who I am and how I make sense of the world"


Pauline Mullen - "Physical and mental well-being, along with red wine, help people on the ageing road"


Peter Wright - "Never be afraid to be an individual, it can be difficult at times, lonely and subject to ridicule of those whom you would think would be your greatest supporters. You need to be true to yourself"


Peter Zantis -  "Every piece of jewelry tells a story"


Premlata & Vijay Sharma - "I don’t think age has slowed me down one bit and it’s only a number to me"


Richard Corbet - "Life is not a straight run for many but with dogged determination and perseverance we can make it"


Rodney Humphries - "I love to make people laugh or even a smile always makes both our days"


Ron Butterworth - "Ladies are still chatting him up in the dining room...I’ve still got it!”


Rosalind Loftus - "Turning a neglected, drought stricken, rabbit infested semi-wasteland into a lush, lovely place to be"


Ross Banwell - "I am known for my many garden patches where I grow fruits and vegetables to share with people in the community"


Sandra Martin - "Making new friends and helping out is a good feeling"


Steve Ridley - "My motto for life is your integrity, honesty and good name is the only thing you take to your grave"


Terence Carpenter - "Life has been very kind to me, the least I can do is to contribute in some way for the benefit of the community"


Tina Bray - "I love to volunteer on my days off, the work and the volunteers have helped me get through a tough time"


Tom Marmont - "Going the extra mile is very rewarding, maybe someday another person will be as fortunate as I have"


Tony Marks - "Friends, family, music, motorcycles and art. When a community includes any of these..what more do you need?"


Vesper Stanberg - "I much prefer to live in country towns, the communities are very friendly and help one another out in times of need, as well as being a great place to raise kids and for the kids to be involved in sports"

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